
The Sudanese Government denounces the holding of the Paris Conference as it was called without consulting it

The Sudanese Government denounces the holding of the Paris Conference as it was called without consulting it

He denounces that the absence of his representatives at the meeting only equates the Army with the paramilitaries

April 12 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Government of Sudan has denounced this Friday the holding of the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan that will take place next Monday in Paris after regretting that it has not been consulted or invited within what it describes as a “pretext of neutrality.”

The conference will take place during the first anniversary of the war that broke out on April 15 after months of disagreements between the Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a powerful paramilitary group inherited from the Yanyahuid militias, involved 20 years ago in the Darfur genocide.

The conflict has generated the largest crisis of displaced people in the world and there is still no known approximate figure even on the number of deaths it has left so far, taking into account that it has been fed back with historical inter-community clashes precisely between the tribes of Darfur, in the west.

The Sudanese Government is, in reality, a political extension of the Army, which is unquestionably led by the head of the Armed Forces and president of the Sovereign Transitional Council, General Abdel Fattá al Burhan.

Now, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan has denounced that the French Government has deliberately refrained from inviting any representatives for the sake of a “pretext of neutrality” that has only managed to equate “the legitimate Government and the National Army” of a country with “a rebel militia that practices the worst conceivable violations of Human Rights.”

The Sudanese Government recalls in its statement, collected by Radio Dabanga, that it was the first entity to request the mobilization of international support to combat the crisis opened by the “aggression” of the paramilitaries and asks the international community, instead of calling “political propaganda festivals” fulfill the promises made to the Sudanese Government in past conferences and adopt “a firm stance” against the RSF.

Finally, and as it has done on other occasions, the Government of Sudan has once again claimed that this conflict is an exclusively internal matter for Sudan and does not willingly accept international meetings that could lead to foreign decisions about the future of the country without its consent. .

“Only the people of Sudan have the right to manage their public affairs and to authorize those they see fit in their aspirations for peace and democracy, without any tutelage or intervention from foreign forces and no matter how much they claim to care about security and rights. interests of the people,” adds the Ministry in its note, collected by Radio Dabanga.

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