
EU hopes to mobilize more funds for Sudan at Paris donor conference on Monday

EU hopes to mobilize more funds for Sudan at Paris donor conference on Monday


The European Union hopes that the donor conference for Sudan that it organizes this Monday in Paris will serve to mobilize more funds for the country in the midst of the serious humanitarian crisis due to the fighting between the Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which They leave millions displaced and tens of thousands dead.

The European initiative, promoted together with France and Germany, seeks to mobilize more funds for Sudan in view of the deterioration on the ground, explained the spokesperson for Humanitarian Aid, Balazs Ujvari, after the European Commission has confirmed the participation of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, and the Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic.

In this sense, he has announced that there will be an announcement of additional aid from the European Commission that will reinforce the 72 million expected in humanitarian assistance for 2024, aid that is channeled through international agencies and humanitarian organizations present in Sudan.

The initiative comes exactly one year after the outbreak of the conflict, after strong disagreements regarding the integration process of the paramilitary group – now declared a terrorist organization – within the Armed Forces.

The war has generated the largest crisis of displaced people in the world and countries such as the United States have requested that the Security Council intervene to guarantee the delivery and distribution of assistance in case the Army continues to prevent these movements.

Washington has lamented the “lack of international attention” to the serious crisis in Sudan, where almost 25 million Sudanese are in extreme need, of which 75 percent face food insecurity.

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