
Seven hostages of the Congolese ADF militias found dead in Ituri province

Seven hostages of the Congolese ADF militias found dead in Ituri province

April 12 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Civil society organizations in the Congolese province of Ituri have confirmed this Friday the discovery of the lifeless bodies of seven hostages of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) militias kidnapped at the beginning of the month.

The hostages were kidnapped following an ADF attack on April 5 in the towns of Banzu Banzu and Apetineko, in the territory of Mambasa, in the province of Ituri, in the north of the country, where the rebels set fire to several houses.

All the hostages were civilian farmers from the area, according to information collected by Radio Okapi.

Sources have confirmed a survivor of the executions, a woman who managed to escape with her baby in her arms.

The ADF is an extremely violent Ugandan group created in the 1990s to which the United Nations blamed, for example, the responsibility of 1,200 murders of civilians in 2021.

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