economy and politics

The SAT obtains 233,270 million pesos after auditing large taxpayers

The SAT obtains 233,270 million pesos after auditing large taxpayers

This amount represents an increase of 3.5% compared to 2021, and is 103% higher than what was achieved in 2018, the last year of the Enrique Peña Nieto government, the agency detailed on its Twitter account.

The results obtained also represent the highest figure for this concept so far in the current six-year term.

The work of the Treasury and the SAT to raise the total collection has given important amounts to the public coffers.

In January-November, ISR collection was 195.9 billion pesos (mdp) above what was programmed and registered a real annual increase of 14%, reported the Ministry of Finance last week.

These collection levels had not been seen since 2016, when ISR collection increased 12.4%, and it is the second highest growth rate since 2015, when it reached 23.4%, according to Treasury figures.

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