At the beginning of 2023, The Pokémon Company announced a new production in collaboration with Netflix, Pokemon Concierge. In recent months there was no news...
Tag - Netflix
The new season of The Witcher Netflix is about to premiere. Many wonder how the new episodes will be and, although it takes a long time to know the...
At the end of last year, Ash Ketchum managed to become the best Pokémon Trainer in the anime after trying for 25 years. If you waited to live this memorable...
New Netflix measures may have angered its users, but it seems that the company is already working to compensate by considerably improving its catalog. We say...
Today was a very special day for fans of series and movies because Netflix presented previews of a wide variety of productions that are in development...
Netflix has a lot of projects in development and perhaps one of the most ambitious and most important among manga and anime fans is the adaptation of one piece...
This June 19, Father’s Day is celebrated in Peru, a date to spend with the family. Many tend to go out to the cinema or eat out, but staying at home is...
There isn’t a lot of content in there that we enjoy, other than Stranger Things. Once it’s over, we’ll probably cancel 40-year-old user...
The digital entertainment industry gained particular popularity during the coronavirus pandemic. One of the great successes of Netflix was The Squid Game, the...
Not all accounts Netflix they have the same price. Today, the streaming video platform is charging an extra for each user who does not access the system from...