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In the entertainment world, it is common for creatives to take great works to be inspired or to take certain elements to incorporate them into their own if they deem it convenient to create something special. Before it was more common for developers to be inspired by movies to create video games, but thanks to the evolution of the electronic entertainment industry it is now more and more common for filmmakers to capture video game elements in their movies and the most recent example is the new movie of Predator.
Prey (either Preyin Spanish), debuted a few days ago and something interesting that caught our attention is that the director of this project was inspired by one of the jewels of PlayStation Studios and PlayStation 4.
We are talking about God of War (2018), which not only seemed like a great game to the filmmaker responsible for PreyDan Trachtenberg, but took advantage of a couple of elements to give life to 2 of the main characters of the film.
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How did it influence God of War in Prey?
The creative last January confirmed that he would have been inspired by some elements of the work of SIE Santa Monica Studio to create Prey; however, she did not delve into it.
Now we can know what he meant thanks to a recent interview for Cassius Life. When asked about the influence of the video game, Trachtenberg revealed that what influenced Prey it wasn’t the narrative or the “boy” of Kratos, but his weapons.
While @corybarlog GOD OF WAR is getting new recognition for its PC release I will pile on that praise and point out— it’s had some influence on PREY.
— Dan Trachtenberg (@DannyTRS) January 24, 2022
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Precisely the filmmaker spoke of the most obvious, the shield. In the Nordic adventure, Kratos can use his Guardian Shield, an element that debuted with this installment and that has the particularity of being retractable. This reference is clear to anyone who has already seen Preybecause in it the Predator has a shield that can also be deployed when this creature wants to protect itself.
The other influence can be seen in the tomahawk of Naru, the protagonist, who can recover it after throwing it thanks to a rope that unites both. The filmmaker confessed that what he inspired to create this in the film was the Leviathan Axe, Kratos’ main weapon in the video game.
“The answer is extremely,” Trachtenberg said when asked if he’s excited about God of War Ragnarok.
In case you missed it: for fear of God of War Ragnarokstudios would be delaying their video games.
Have you seen the new movie? Predator? Tell us in the comments.
God of War Ragnarok It is in development for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 and will debut on November 9. You can find more news related to him if you visit this page.
Related Video: God of War Ragnarok – First Trailer | PlayStation Showcase 2021
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