economy and politics

Mexicans who live abroad may register for the SAT RFC

Mexicans who live abroad may register for the SAT RFC

The head of the SAT, Antonio Martínez Dagnino, highlighted that the RFC is an identity tool, which will allow our countrymen to access a series of benefits such as opening bank accounts, credits, social programs, among others. The head of the treasury invited compatriots to register at the SAT virtual office or go to the nearest consulate, where they will receive quality and timely attention, in accordance with the SAT guidelines of simplifying procedures and supporting the the taxpayers.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena shared that, through Mexican representations abroad, the process will be disseminated and advice will be provided to the Mexican community that requires it.

“It is up to us to spread this throughout our consulates, 53 in the United States, five in Canada, and really in the 80 embassies we have around the world,” he remarked.

The new virtual window for taxpayer service arises from the signing of the “Collaboration Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the SAT with the objective of establishing the bases, dissemination mechanisms and collaborative activities to promote and disseminate the procedure so that Mexicans living abroad, without tax obligations in Mexico, register in the RFC.”

The collaboration agreement responds to the constant demand of the Mexican community abroad to access services from the Government of Mexico and promotes fiscal equity, compliance with tax obligations and the full exercise of their rights as taxpayers.

Who is the procedure for?

Natural persons without tax obligations in Mexico.

In 2022, the obligation to register in the RFC upon turning 18 came into force, even if the person does not carry out an economic activity.

The tax authority highlighted the objectives of introducing young people to the tax culture and protecting them from identity theft, since shell companies use them as proxies.

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