
“I will serve you with love and with the help of my dear wife Camila”

"I will serve you with love and with the help of my dear wife Camila"

The new King of the United Kingdom, Charles III, has paid a heartfelt tribute this Friday to his late mother, Elizabeth II, and has promised to follow her example of service to others in the first speech he has made since taking office .

The sovereign has also announced the appointment of his son and heir, William, and his wife, Kate, as new princes of wales.

dressed in suit and tie blacka serene Carlos with a rueful expression has based his speech on the tribute to his mother, who died this Thursday after 70 years of reign, the longest of the British Crown.

[De Churchill a Truss: los 15 primeros ministros de la reina Isabel II de Inglaterra]

“Queen Elizabeth had a life well lived, a promise with destiny kept. She is now mourned at the time of her death. I renew today that promise to all of lifelong service,” the monarch said. He has opened and closed his words in the same way, remembering his mother, with an emotional final message: “Grace, mom.”

“Me Dear breastAs you begin your last great journey to join my dear Dad, I just want to say this: Thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and the family of nations that you have diligently served all these years.”

Carlos III: “I renew my mother’s promise to serve the people”

In a speech of about five minutes, previously recorded in the Buckingham Palace Blue RoomCarlos has wanted to tie several fringes on the character of his reign, starting with his commitment to constitutional principles.

lifetime charge

“As the queen herself did with unwavering devotion, I also commit myself now for the rest of the time that God grants me to defend the constitutional principles at the center of our nation,” he said, assuming that his lifetime charge.

[En directo: Así ha sido el primer discurso de Carlos III como rey]

Accompanied on his left by a photograph of Isabel II, the king reviewed one by one the situation of your family membersstarting with his wife, the queen consort Camila, who has been slow to win the affection of the British for having been the lover of the then prince when he was married to Diana of Wales.

Mention to Camila

“I count on the help of my dear wife Camila. In recognition of her loyal public service since our wedding 17 years ago, she becomes my queen consort. I know she will bring to her new role the steadfast devotion to duty that I have come to rely on so much.”

[Carlos III hereda a los 73 un Reino (poco) Unido en la mayor crisis desde la coronación de su madre]

Referring to the new heir, William, he has been “proud” to name him Prince of Wales, the same title he held until the queen’s death.

“With Catherine at his side,” he said, “our new Prince and Princess of Wales will continue to inspire and direct our national debates.”

And he has not forgotten his young son, Harry, with whom according to the British press he is at odds. “I express my love for Prince Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives abroad.”

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