Science and Tech

How much does Diogenes syndrome cost each Mexican and how to combat it?

How much does Diogenes syndrome cost each Mexican and how to combat it?

How to combat Diogenes syndrome?

In the specialist’s opinion, order is essential to manage and decide which files are important. If everything has its place in a house, why shouldn’t every file have it? This principle helps to discriminate what information fits in each compartment, according to its characteristics.

But as the abundance of information can generate addiction to ‘having’ and keeping files, it is important to give them a specific weight. One option is to choose those photos that are going to be added to the family or friends album and discard those that would not take place there.

Another, very similar to emulating the physical world, is to choose a list of songs that someone would like to have on a disc and discard the ones that are barely played from time to time.

That is, “try to find a slightly lower technology intermediation”, between the digital and the physical.

In that evolutionary process that I was talking about before, our mind still has difficulties to feel “owner” of something intangible. But I think there are many ways in which tangibility and intangibility can be coordinated.

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