
Drone strike injures eight workers and causes fire at Zaporizhia substation

Drone strike injures eight workers and causes fire at Zaporizhia substation

The authorities of Russia have denounced this Wednesday that the Ukrainian Army has carried out a drone attack against a substation supplying the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.

According to the Russian nuclear agency, Rosatom, Eight workers have been injured in addition to causing damage to two transformers at the substation and starting a fire in a nearby forest.

The attack took place at the electrical substation Radugawhich supplies the city of Energodar, the town where the nuclear power plant is located. Zaporizhia.

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossihas warned that Repeated drone attacks on such infrastructure are a threat to nuclear security and human lives and must stop.

“A dangerous precedent has been set that requires a prompt and appropriate response, including from international organisations,” said Rosatom chief Alexei Likhachev.

According to the mayor of Energodar, Eduard Senovoz, after the destruction by the kyiv forces of the Luch power substation Last June, Raduga was the only power plant capable of supplying electricity to the city.

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