
When and how can the electoral roll be consulted for the 2023 elections in Argentina?

When and how can the electoral roll be consulted for the 2023 elections in Argentina?

( Spanish) — In Argentina, the electoral calendar began to apply for the 2023 presidential and legislative elections. From what date will the register be consulted and how can the data be changed if it is incorrect? Know the details.

April 25 was the day designated by the National Electoral Commission as the deadline to register changes in the data of the voters of Argentina ahead of the presidential and legislative elections.

Until that date, those people who registered a different address on their document and wanted to change it for the elections, could do so through the National Registry of Persons (Renaper).

This Friday, May 5, the provisional electoral roll was released. There you can consult the data of the voters, check that the name, surname and DNI are correct and request modifications in case they are not the same as those presented in the identity document.

Until when can I make claims about my data?

According to the electoral calendar, voters may request modifications to errors in their data, request the elimination of voters who have died or register the absence of a citizen of the age to participate in the elections if their name was not on the provisional electoral roll until the may 19.

This error correction process can be done on the web http://www.padron.gob.arof the National Electoral Chamber.

How do I know if I was selected as a table authority?

On July 14, the definitive register is expected to be released with the changes requested in the previous days. It can be consulted in

There will appear the data of the school designated for voting, the table number and order.

On this day, in addition, the table authorities will be designated. The notification is made by telegram in the registered address in the National Identity Document. Any eligible voter — between 18 and 70 years of age and who formally resides in the electoral section where he must serve — can be designated polling station authority.

When can I check the definitive electoral roll for the general elections?

On August 13, the primary elections known as PASO will take place. The National Electoral Commission details that the publication of the register for the general elections will take place more than a month later, on September 22.

What happens if I did not vote in the STEP?

In case of not having registered the vote during the primary elections, the National Electoral Commission establishes a period in which voters can justify their absence through the platform

The date established to carry out the procedure and being able to vote in the general elections is on October 12, 10 days before the elections.

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