Science and Tech

With an investment of $13,000 million, Universidad ECCI continues its expansion plan


With an investment of close to 13,000 million pesos, the ECCI University renovated its headquarters in the south of Bogotá, which had begun its operation in 2021 in the Old Protabaco production plant.

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The modernization of this headquarters allowed the creation of specialized spaces to enhance student training.

For this, spaces such as a general mechanics workshop, an automotive diagnostic center (CDA) and a modern chemistry laboratory were incorporated.

In addition, automation, robotics, physics and methods laboratories were built, totaling 2,739 square meters fully equipped.

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Southern headquarters of the ECCI University in Bogotá.

Gastronomy spaces were also adapted, with administrative offices, a teacher’s room, an industrial kitchen, a pastry kitchen and a bakery.

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This expansion project included the acquisition of specialized equipment, which will complement the services that are being offered at this important headquarters of the University.

This expansion plan is added to the new headquarters recently inaugurated in Cali and which already has approved undergraduate and graduate programs.


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