economy and politics

“We want to see new options to invest”: Corficolombiana

María Lorena Gutiérrez, president of Corficolombiana

Insecurity in Colombia has increased and has become a factor of concern when doing businessbut even so Corficolombiana* will invest $1.4 billion.

This was announced by María Lorena Gutiérrez, president of the entity, who assured that a period may come in which large infrastructure works are not carried out, since the Government has not announced them.

(See: Ocampo’s proposal for the energy transition in the country).

It is said that a part of the private sector is not investing. How is Corficolombiana?

We continue to believe in the country and this year we are going to invest $1.4 billion. It is our commitment to invest in the sectors that most boost the economy such as agribusiness, gas and energy, infrastructure and tourism. What we do want to see is new investment options, especially in infrastructure, and we hope that the government will announce new projects soon.

What alternative would they have?

The Government has talked about the railway or the metro, but recently the Minister of Transport and the director of the National Infrastructure Agency announced that they are working on new projects and that they are going to issue a Conpes document and we want to see those plans for the interest of investing in Colombia, because we are still far behind in the infrastructure that is needed for competitiveness, for example in agriculture or tourism, and a project is delayed, while it is structured, financing is sought and construction begins, three years. So it is important that government initiatives come out as soon as possible.

And are you looking to increase investment abroad?

In Peru we have a significant investment in gas, we are already looking at Brazil and we are open to projects in other countries in the region, our function is to invest and although we like to do it in Colombia, we also want to do it abroad in gas, infrastructure, hotels.

How has the result of the beginning of the year been?

We are in accordance with the goals and beyond talking about profits, we generate economic value, social investment and payment of taxes, as well as a revitalization of more than 18,500 suppliers of the Corficolombiana businesses, payments to the State for close to $2 billion and the generation of just over 25,600 direct and indirect jobs.

(See: Habi receives financing to strengthen his operation).

María Lorena Gutiérrez, president of Corficolombiana


What are the main challenges for 2023?

We are in the process of global slowdown and accompanied by high interest rates that raise the financial costs of companies and that is why investment is important because employment must be taken care of.

(See: Four gold and copper miners have stopped their operations in the country).

Anything worrying you?

The issue of deteriorating security in various regions. More extortions, kidnappings are being seen and my call is that, for example, in Meta the governor says that he is losing control of security in the south of the department. A core value for communities and investment is that we preserve safety.

* Corficolombiana is part of the business group that controls the company Casa Editorial EL TIEMPO, to which Portafolio belongs.


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