
“We are living the end of abundance”

"We are living the end of abundance"

The French President, Emmanuel Macronopened this Wednesday the first Council of Ministers after the summer holidays with a serious tone before the economic, energy and social challenges facing the countryand warned that “the end of abundance” has come.

I think we are witnessing a great convulsion, a radical change. Basically, what we are experiencing is the end of abundance, of liquidity without cost,” Macron said, cutting off his conventional optimism and the motto of “whatever it takes” that he had raised during the pandemic, when the State left to the rescue of businessmen and citizens at the stroke of public spending.

For Macron, the scarcity of certain raw materials or water is on the table and measures will have to be taken in this regard.

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“It is also the end of evidence. Democracy, human rights. If someone thought that it was the fate of the international order, recent years have blown up some evidence,” he said, referring to the rise of illiberal or authoritarian regimes. .

The French leader considered that the war in the Ukraine has brought to Europe “the end of carefree“.

After the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, with the shadow of inflation weighing on the global economy and the risk of recession in Europe, the high temperatures that hit France this summer and the drought have aroused the concern of many citizens and the Government.

“In the face of such challenges,” Macron said, “we have no right to wait, to govern on the fly. We must protect our country with ambition, preserve what is needed and protect those who will need it.“.

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At the end of the Council of Ministers, the spokesman for the Executive, Olivier Véran, detailed some of the issues discussed in the meeting where the watchword seems to be sobriety, although the Government does not want to impose restrictions but rather appeal to individual responsibility.

questioned by the regulation of private flightswhen a petition to ban them circulates on social networks and the government has admitted that it plans to limit them, Véran responded vaguely, but clarified that “everyone will have to make efforts.”

“More than efforts, I would say that we should all pay attention,” he declared. He noted that it has been a summer “after climate change, of total awareness, even among the most skeptical.”

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