Science and Tech

Video games are based on the epic to achieve success

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Since the dawn of time, society has needed to entrust the reasons for mysteries more to myth than to reality, since for many of these phenomena it was not possible to find a logical explanation.

The myth itself has been transformed, since the most remote times, into an authentic subject that takes the name of epic. From the Sumerians to the Romans to modern man, the epic is perhaps the only specific genre that has survived the passage of time and the decline of ideologies, trends and movements.

Today we could precisely consider the epic part of mass culture because it received a new impetus due to digital transformationwhen it was transformed from a literal element to a theme, scene of the greatest mass product of the 21st century: video games. With an excellent result: involving age groups that had something far from literature, and thanks to this new cultural form they will be aware of many surprising events of the past.

This epic theme is one of the most demanded and appreciated by gamers. Such is the success of products like god of war, which improve like a good wine with the passage of time. This saga is based on stories from the Ancient Greeceto which is added a touch of mystery and fantasy that make up a cult gamer work.

“The great success of this genre has inspired new forms of entertainment such as online gaming to base their products on it. Especially the online slots are the ones that present a greater epic componentcombining this source of inspiration with an outstanding graphic and sound quality, based on new technological tools”, they explain to us from the editorial team of

Returning to the field of video games, there is a historical title, more like a saga, which is a reference for millions of people. Assassin’s Creed has taken a journey through all of its titles for many periods of history. These new generations, who for the most part do not attach special importance to history, learn while playing old events with one of their reference works.

There is no doubt that the ancient, together with the mystical and the epic make up a perfect mix for the creation of a product destined to lead the market. Gaming providers have quickly understood the correctness of this interrelationship, and it is foreseeable that new titles based on this theme will arrive on the market in the near future.

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