
UNICEF fears that the lives of “thousands of children” are at risk after the earthquake in Afghanistan

The EU offers help to Afghanistan after the serious earthquake in the east of the country

June 22 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has expressed its concern about the possibility that the lives of “thousands of children” in Afghanistan are now in danger after the strong earthquake on Wednesday that has already claimed the lives of more than a thousand people.

An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale has shaken the Afghan province of Jost (east), near the border with Pakistan, in the early hours of Wednesday. International organizations, such as the European Union, have already announced that they will offer help to the Asian nation after what happened.

UNICEF has also joined these messages and has conveyed its “heartfelt condolences” to the families of the victims, while wishing the injured a speedy recovery. In addition, following the request of the Taliban authorities, UNICEF and other United Nations agencies are now evaluating the situation to respond to the needs of the affected citizens.

Specifically, UNICEF has dispatched several mobile health and nutrition teams to provide first aid to the injured, while also distributing critical aid, including kitchen kits, hygiene kits, warm clothing and tents.

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