
Ukraine announces Australia will send new military aid package in July

FILE - Defense Minister of Ukraine Oleksi Reznikov.

FILE – Defense Minister of Ukraine Oleksi Reznikov. – Europa Press/Contact/Nina Liashonok – Archive

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June 2 () –

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksi Reznikov announced Friday that Australia will send a new military aid package in July, while asking them to consider training Ukrainian pilots.

Within the framework of the Shangri-La Dialogue security conference, which is being held this weekend in Singapore, Reznikov has met on the sidelines with the Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Ukraine, Richard Marles, whom he has invited to visit Ukraine.

“I have asked our Australian friends to consider training Ukrainian pilots, providing medevac vehicles and electronic warfare against drones,” Reznikov tweeted.

Reznikov has also reported meetings with his US counterparts, Lloyd Austin; from Canada, Anita Anand; from New Zealand, Andrew Little; and from Singapore, Ng Eng Hen.

The meeting with Austin has been especially warm, as he himself has recounted on his Twitter account, where he has shown his “joy” to meet with his colleague and great friend to talk about the “solid” relationship between Washington and Kiev. “We will continue working to ensure the victory of Ukraine and restore peace in Europe,” he stressed.

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