
Turkey’s Parliament Approves 18-Month Extension of Troop Deployment in Libya

Turkey's Parliament Approves 18-Month Extension of Troop Deployment in Libya

June 22 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Turkish Parliament has approved extending the deployment of its troops in Libya for another 18 months, following a request recently presented by the internationally recognized unity government headed by Abdul Hamid Dbeibé as Prime Minister.

The motion approved by the Turkish Parliament states that Ankara “maintains its firm support for the protection of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political unity of Libya, the establishment of a permanent ceasefire and the efforts for a political dialogue that guarantees national reconciliation. “.

Likewise, it regrets the “political uncertainty” after the postponement of the presidential elections of December 2014 and warns that “it endangers the tranquility established on the ground”, which “is a serious obstacle in the face of achieving permanent stability” .

In this sense, he recalls the risks emanating from Libya for the entire region and stresses that if the attacks against the “legitimate” government continue, Turkish interests in the area “will be negatively affected”, according to the Turkish state news agency. news, Anatolia.

Turkey authorized the sending of troops for the first time in January 2020 to support the unity government, then led by Fayez Serraj, in the face of the military offensive against the capital, Tripoli, by the forces of General Khalifa Haftar, aligned with the authorities based in the east of the country.

The Turkish intervention allowed the internationally recognized authorities to repel Haftar’s offensive –backed by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Russia–, which led to a ceasefire and an agreement for the unification of the institutions under the aegis of Dbeibé.

However, the postponement of the December elections has raised tensions again and led the House of Representatives –based in the east of the country– to end Dbeibé’s mandate and appoint Fazi Bashaga as prime minister, something not internationally recognized.

Since then, Dbeibé has refused to hand over power and Bashaga’s attempt to enter Tripoli has led to clashes between militias aligned with each of the parties, raising fears that the African country could once again become involved in an armed conflict.

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