
Three Israelis wounded in drive-by attack in West Bank

Three Israelis wounded in drive-by attack in West Bank

Jul 25. (EUROPA PRESS) –

At least three Israelis were injured in a drive-by attack on Thursday near the West Bank town of Nabi Ilyas, near Qalqilia, emergency services confirmed.

The Magen David Adom (Red Star of David) emergency service said in a message on its Telegram account that the incident took place at around 8:00 a.m. (local time) and indicated that among the injured there are two with gunshot wounds, one of whom is in moderate condition.

The Israeli army has confirmed the incident and said that “the details are being investigated.” The military has launched an operation in the area to try to arrest the attacker, who allegedly fled in his vehicle, from which he fired the shots.

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