
The women’s wing of the Tanzanian government party proposes castrating homosexuals

The women's wing of the Tanzanian government party proposes castrating homosexuals

DAR ES SALAM, 19 March. (DPA/EP) –

The president of the women’s wing of the women’s wing of the Tanzania government party, Mary Chatanda, has suggested this Sunday the possibility of castrating homosexual men as punishment for those who “disturb the morals” of the country.

“We ask the government to impose severe penalties for crimes related to same-sex activities. These people must be castrated if they are found guilty,” said Chatanda, head of the women’s wing of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).

Chatanda made these statements in commemoration of the second year in office of Samia Suluhu Hasan, the country’s first female president, who has not yet ruled on the petition.

It must be remembered that homosexual relationships are criminalized in the country and that the LGBTQ community risks long prison terms.

“We must punish these people every time we meet someone like this because, as we allow them, they are going to end up destroying the country,” he added during the ceremony, in statements collected by the Mwananchi news portal.

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