
The United States abolished the right to abortion

The United States abolishes legal abortion

We woke up in 1900 with this news. The Supreme Court of the United States struck down the right to abortion and now each state must decide its rules.

With a majority of 6 votes in favor and 3 against judges, the right to legal termination of pregnancy has disappeared in the United States and with this each one of the 50 states of the country will have the power to legislate on abortion.

Keep reading: They decriminalize abortion in Sinaloa: how is the situation in the rest of Mexico? (2022).

What is truly worrying is that the current panorama shows that about 26 states are willing to repeal it and with this the anti-abortion organizations are celebrating after decades and decades of pressing to make it happen.

In 1973, the voluntary termination of pregnancy became constitutional.

Photo: Unsplash

The division of the country is already coming, because this decision affects the lives of approximately 36 million women of reproductive age, And given the situation, Michelle Obama has decided to speak out through her Twitter account with a statement where the following statements stand out:

“I am heartbroken today. I have a broken heart for the people of this country who have just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions on his own body.”

Lee: Court in Mexico invalidates rule on conscientious objection of doctors that limits abortion.

In said statement, he addressed how in the past women were forced to risk their lives to be able to abort and with this step back run the same risk again.

«It breaks my heart that we are now destined to learn the painful lessons from a time before Roe became the law of the land, a time when women risked losing their lives by having illegal abortions.”

“That’s what our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers are up against and now we’re going at it again.”

He went on to talk about the plans and dreams of adolescents who will be affected by this issue and how parents will see their children’s opportunities evaporate for the simple fact of not having control over their reproductive life. As well as the health personnel who will no longer be able to help without the risk of going to jail.

Lee: Eduardo Verástegui unleashes criticism: he says that he trembled in Mexico for decriminalizing abortion.

Photo: Getty

Michelle Obama added that history was not completely written, and although today it seems that there is nothing to do, she invited people like her to believe that there was another way.

“This moment is difficult, but our story does not end here. It may seem like we can’t do much right now but we can. And we must,” he said. “If you are like me and want to get started right now, I encourage you to channel your frustration and anger by getting involved in Organizations like Family planning Y The United State of Womenamong many others, it has resources that you can go to if you want to help other people or if you are the one who needs help.

“Our hearts may be broken today, but tomorrow we have to pick ourselves up and find the courage to keep working.”

On the other hand, and to complement this historic day and not precisely for something positive, the Supreme Court of that country authorized carrying weapons publicly and outside the home. With the same 6 votes in favor and 3 against, they took refuge in the Second Amendment that defends possession of weapons as a constitutional right.

Keep reading:

Jennifer Lawrence shows her pregnant belly in march for the right to abortion.

Catholic Church criticizes Mexico’s Supreme Court for rulings on abortion.

“Only young women abort” and other stigmas to eliminate about the termination of pregnancy.

‘ www.cosmopolitan.com.mx ‘

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