
The President of the European Council defends Algeria as a “loyal” and “reliable” partner in the energy field

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The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, has emphasized from Algeria that this country is a “loyal” and “reliable” partner for the EU in energy matters, after a “fruitful” meeting with the Algerian president, Abdelmayid Tebune.

Already before the meeting, Michel has expressed on Twitter his desire to “strengthen cooperation” with Algeria. “Regional stability and security, energy, trade and prosperity are our common goals,” he said.

Both parties are now ready to give a new boost to the “quality” of bilateral relations, which revolve around the Association Agreement. The Algerian authorities have called for a revision of this framework, which entered into force in 2005.

Michel has been “extremely optimistic” about the possibility of continuing to strengthen ties taking common values ​​as a reference and “respecting the ambitions and priorities of Algeria”, in an appearance without questions broadcast on social networks. He hopes that this revision will allow to obtain “more results” for the citizens of both Europeans and Algerians.

Michel, who has attended to pay his respects at the Martyrs’ Monument, which commemorates Algeria’s War of Independence from France, has also met with the Algerian Foreign Minister, Ramtane Lamamra, according to the state news agency. PHC.

As part of his short visit to the country, the President of the European Council visited the Mujahideen National Museum, which exhibits weapons, documents and war objects that belonged to the Algerian fighters who fought against French colonization until the year 1962.


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