
The Palestinian Authority condemns the progress of the bill for the reinstatement of the death penalty in Israel

The Palestinian Authority condemns the progress of the bill for the reinstatement of the death penalty in Israel

He considers that the measure is “cruel, barbaric and inhumane” and warns of the “dangerous repercussions”

27 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has condemned this Sunday the progress of the bill for the reinstatement of the death penalty in Israel, considering that the measure is “cruel, barbaric and inhumane”.

“The State of Palestine condemns in the strongest terms Israel’s continued racial terror and open warfare against the Palestinian people at all levels, including the barbaric reintroduction of the death penalty as a pretext to legitimize its annexation and entrench its regime of apartheid, in violation of their obligation under international law,” read a statement.

In this sense, he regretted that this measure “is a stain on the international order”, built “to protect the peoples of the world”: “It is a stain on those who preach in favor of the rule of law but continue to allow, facilitate and encourage Israel and Israeli officials to violate basic principles with complete impunity,” he reiterated.

In addition to recalling that the death penalty violates fundamental rights, he has warned of the dangerous repercussions of the bill.

“While Israel continues to deliberately and disproportionately kill Palestinians, it will now arbitrarily and ceremonially put them on death row,” the ministerial portfolio lamented.

Likewise, it has made an “urgent call for the international community to condemn and take concrete measures to pressure Israel to annul the bill.”

Israel’s Legislative Ministerial Committee has managed to advance before the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, a bill that would enable the country’s courts to declare the death penalty for certain cases of terrorism, in return for a punishment that has disappeared’ de facto’ in the country since 2008.

The Israeli Attorney General’s Office had already warned in previous days that it intends to do everything possible to block the progress of the legislation, presented by the Otzma Yehudi deputy in the committee, Limor Son Har-Melech, and about which he has expressed serious doubts about its legality.

The approval of this legislation would imply that the Government of Israel is imposing its national law in the West Bank, which would mean, for all intents and purposes, a violation of the fundamental bases of all the agreements signed with the Palestinians.

Despite all this, the law will be presented next Wednesday before Parliament to receive preliminary approval, but it must then be submitted to debate within the National Security cabinet before a first reading of the law in plenary session. the Knesset.

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