
The Moroccan Parliament “reconsiders” its relationship with the European Parliament

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The Moroccan Parliament has decided on Monday to “reconsider” its relationship with the European Parliament after the European institution approved a resolution that criticized the situation of press freedom in the country, as well as the alleged bribery plot to gain influence in Brussels.

“We are going to send the minutes and the press release resulting from this plenary session to the Presidency of the European Parliament, as well as the decisions that will be taken later,” announced the president of the Moroccan House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, as reported the newspaper ‘Le Matin’.

The statement, read by Talbi Alami in session, affirms that the Moroccan Parliament “takes note with great astonishment and deep consternation” of said resolution, which “has seriously damaged trust between the two legislative institutions.”

In this way, he calls the drift traced by the European Parliament “dangerous” at the same time that he regrets that the European Parliament “has allowed itself to be carried away by certain hostile circles” in the framework of “a campaign of false accusations directed at a traditional partner and credible”.

“Strongly denounces hostile attempts to undermine Morocco’s interests and tarnish its image, as well as the deep and historic relations that unite Morocco and the European Union, which are based on a foundation of shared values ​​and common interests,” the statement reads. , picked up by the MAP news agency.

Likewise, he has argued that the decision taken by the European Parliament “constitutes an inadmissible excess of its prerogatives and powers, as well as an unacceptable attack on the sovereignty, dignity and independence of the judicial institutions” of Morocco.

Finally, he has expressed his “categorical rejection of insinuations of guardianship and the propensity to teach Morocco lessons.” In addition, he has stressed that Rabat plays “an important role in the protection of rights and freedoms”, as well as in the defense of regional rights and international peace and security “.

“This resolution has emptied these mechanisms of their meaning and purpose, mocked the content and resolutions of bilateral and multilateral meetings, as well as the tireless effort of the Morocco-EU Mixed Parliamentary Commission since its creation in October 2010,” he stressed. .

The two chambers of the Moroccan Parliament have been convened this Monday to a plenary session in response to the motion approved last Thursday by the European Parliament with 356 votes in favor, 32 against and 42 abstentions.

The text called for respect for freedom of expression and the media, denounced the use of the ‘Pegasus’ spy program and also demanded “a fair process” for the imprisoned journalists Omar Radi, Sulaiman Raisuni and Taufik Buachrine.


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