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The Government warns Castilla y León in writing that it will go to court if it applies the Vox plan against abortion

The Government will not sit idle in the face of VOX’s offensive against women’s rights. This Sunday he has sent an official request to the Junta de Castilla y León in which he announces measures against the “anti-abortion” plan announced by the government of Castilla y León. He has done so through the Ministry of Health, who has addressed the regional Council of the same name to refrain from approving or applying any measure that violates the current regulations regarding the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy. In the event that the protocol unveiled by the Castilian and Leonese vice president, Juan García-Gallardo, of Vox, finally goes into effect this Monday, as planned, Moncloa threatens to go to court.

Castilla y León will inform doctors of the measures that Vox requires for pregnant women and will leave it up to their discretion to apply them

Castilla y León will inform doctors of the measures that Vox requires for pregnant women and will leave it up to their discretion to apply them


What Gallardo said during a press conference in which the spokesman for the Executive, of the PP, was also present, was that a battery of measures were going to be applied immediately in the region to stop women deciding freely about abortion. Among them, he assured that the administration would force doctors to offer pregnant women to listen to the fetal heartbeat during the first trimester, perform a 4D ultrasound to see the fetus in motion and refer pregnant women to mental health services if so they required it. The announcement generated a stir at the state level, since the part of the Executive of Castilla y León of the PP has for the moment avoided denying the plans of its far-right partner, in such a way that the more ideological agenda of the extra-right returns to prevail in the only coalition government maintained by those of Abascal and those of Feijóo. This in addition to interfering in the moderation plans of the national leadership.

“The Government of Spain will use all the mechanisms that the legal system makes available to it to defend the freedom of women and their right to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy under the terms established in current regulations,” Moncloa said in its statement this Sunday. .

The Executive, it adds, “will ensure that actions are not carried out that impair their fundamental rights under any circumstances, nor in any territory of the State, nor by any Public Administration.” Faced with this situation, they add, “the ministries of Health, Territorial Policy, Finance and Public Function and the Presidency are in permanent coordination to study, establish and coordinate the pertinent measures.”

Moncloa’s demands

From the Government they explain, specifically, that in the official requirement the Ministry of Health requests the Health Department of the Government of Castilla y León “to refrain from approving and applying any measure that violates or impairs what is established in the current regulations that regulates the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy”.

It has also asked him that, “if it has already been adopted”, put in place “the immediate cessation of any protocol, agreement, instrument or communication in this regard that establishes any type of obligation, instruction, indication or recommendation to health personnel with the purpose of obliging, indicating, offering or suggesting to pregnant women who have freely decided to voluntarily interrupt their pregnancy or have not expressly stated their intention to carry it to term, the performance of tests that are not necessary from a medical point of view.

The Executive of Pedro Sánchez also demands “not to carry out diagnostic tests that, from the point of view of medical practice, contravene current scientific knowledge and the recommendations contained in national and international health guides endorsed by scientific societies.” And also “that the protocols, instruments, communications or written or verbal instructions be communicated immediately to the Ministry of Health by which the announced actions are intended to be carried out.”

“In the event that the request made is not fully and immediately met by the Junta de Castilla y León,” the statement added, “the Government does not rule out implementing additional legal actions, in view of the fact that the measures announced by the Junta de Castilla and León can openly contravene the legal system”. “The Government will study whether it is necessary to exercise other legal actions, given that the application of the measures announced by the Junta de Castilla y León could violate the effective exercise of fundamental rights and also exceed the powers that correspond to this Autonomous Community “, ditch.

García-Gallardo’s announcement has embarrassed the president of the community, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, who was forced to clarify whether the PP was going to adopt these measures from his government partner. First, from the regional Executive they denied the greatest, but on Saturday the regional president did not deny that these measures were going to be offered to doctors nor did he contradict Vox at all. “I do not accept lessons from the left when it comes to women’s rights in Castilla y León we defend women, we guarantee all their rights and women’s freedom of choice,” he said.

Manueco avoids contradicting Vox

The president of the Junta explained that his government has been applying “birth promotion measures” for “months or years” and listed tax reductions for large families. “We also want to implement sanitary care measures to promote the birth rate, which are what we have tried to explain in recent days,” he said. Thus, he specified that the measures will be applied on “premises”, such as the “absolute freedom of choice of the pregnant woman”, “from voluntariness” and under medical criteria “respecting the law and the recommendations of the Gynecology Society ”.

Manueco specified that when a gynecologist considers that the woman needs psychological support, he can refer her directly without the pregnant woman having to go to Primary Care with the purpose of “being more agile in the provision of services.” Regarding 4D ultrasounds, which according to Vox will be offered to all pregnant women “so they can see the face of the fetus” and which, according to the Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, are only indicated to confirm or rule out malformations in the unborn child, Mañueco He pointed out that, at the moment, in Castilla y León there are two hospitals that do not have this type of equipment, Ávila and Segovia.

The president of Castilla y León avoided disavowing his vice president: “I am not going to go into what he said or did not say because I am not the one who has to analyze anyone’s words or intentions, but he did slip shadows of doubts about the story of what happened that he attributed to “the interpretations that each one can make” and the “explanations” of the journalists “in the exercise of their freedom of expression”.

The Government of Sánchez had already announced since Friday that “it will not allow any setback” in terms of women’s rights. From the Ministry of Equality they assured that the announcement implies “a setback” in an “essential right” for women and that it could suppose “a violation” of sexual and reproductive rights in the Community”. That same day, Vice President Yolanda Díaz urged the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to rule on Vox’s anti-abortion measures, something that of course he has not yet done. However, the one who has not lost the opportunity to join the cultural war of the ultra-right has been the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who in the midst of the scandal caused by the anti-abortion plan has announced the creation of a telephone “in favor of of life, not against anyone” for pregnant women.


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