
The Government of Afghanistan announces an aid of 10 million euros for the victims of the earthquake

The EU offers help to Afghanistan after the serious earthquake in the east of the country

June 23 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Prime Minister of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Hassan announced this Thursday, after an emergency meeting at the Presidential Palace in Kabul, an aid of 10 million euros (1,000 million Afghanis) for the victims of the magnitude 6 earthquake, 1 that has left more than a thousand dead and more than 1,500 injured in Jost province (east), near the border with Pakistan.

At the meeting, Mohammad Hasan sent his condolences to the affected families and approved a grant of 10 million euros (1,000 million Afghanis) as urgent aid, as reported by ‘The Kabul Times’.

Likewise, it has ordered the pertinent bodies to adopt urgent measures in relation to the sending of aid such as first aid, food, clothing, medicines and other necessary materials.
people affected by the earthquake.

The Department of Information and Culture of the province of Paktika, the most affected by the earthquake, indicated on Wednesday that more than a thousand people died and more than 1,500 were injured in the district of Gatan and Barmal, before adding that the balance of deceased could increase in the coming hours, according to information collected by the Afghan state news agency, Bakhtar News Agency.

This figure therefore does not include the deaths in other areas of the province of Paktika and the adjacent Jost, where the epicenter of the earthquake was located, so the overall balance could be much higher, waiting for the authorities to give a unified number.

In this context, one of the Taliban spokesmen, Mohammad Naeem, has indicated on his Twitter account that a Qatari plane and two Iranians loaded with humanitarian aid arrived in Kabul on Wednesday night.

For his part, the United Nations humanitarian coordinator in Afghanistan, Ramiz Alakbarov, stressed that OCHA and the UN mission in the country “are analyzing the needs and responding to the consequences of the earthquake, which has claimed hundreds of lives.”

The earthquake had its epicenter about 44 kilometers from the city of Jost, while its epicenter has been at a depth of about 51 kilometers, according to data published on its website by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

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