Science and Tech

The digital divide worries 76% of people over 80 years of age

The digital divide worries 76% of people over 80 years of age

July 6. (Portaltic/EP) –

The 76 percent of people over 80 years of age are concerned about the digital gap that currently exists, since they consider that there is a lack of support in their adaptation process.

It is one of the data provided by the 65YMÁS Senior Observatorywhich determines that technology and digital transformation are increasingly worrying older people.

This sector of the population has had to forcefully adapt to the new digital tools and, the older they are, the greater the unease generated by this lack of knowledge regarding the uses of new technologies and electronic devices.

So much so that this Observatory determines that the digital divide worries 54 percent of those over 50 years of age, while the concern reaches 76 percent when it comes to people over 80 years of age.

These conclusions are worrying if the results of a study by Imserso and the Democratic Union of Pensioners are taken into account, which determines that by the year 2050 people over 65 years of age will double those under 15 for the first time in the history of the European Union.

To blur the boundaries that exist between the digital native generations and the older ones there are different electronic devices that can be incorporated into the day to day of the latter.

Among them, smart speakerswhich allow efficient communication, through phone calls or with the Assistant, and touch-free handling of delicate devices, such as thermostats.

The activity wristbands They can be used, in addition to knowing sports performance, to prevent accidents and even facilitate a quick diagnosis of the state of health.

The robot vacuum cleaners for home maintenance, watches with fall detectors designed for people with dependency or locators of objects complete the list of devices that can make everyday life easier for older users.

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