
The current state of the fight against corruption in Latin America

The current state of the fight against corruption in Latin America

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Corruption in Latin America refuses to disappear and is usually one of the issues that most stands out in electoral campaigns, many candidates claim to be “standard bearers” of the fight against corruption, but the problem is little reduced and its consequences are greater and greater and obvious. The fight against corruption in Latin America is the topic that we analyze in this edition of El Debate.

The Index of Capacity to Fight Corruption (CCC), presented annually by the Council of the Americas, is a publication that evaluates the capacity of Latin America to detect, punish and prevent corruption.

Despite having dropped in some indicators, Uruguay leads the region, widely surpassing the evaluated categories of democracy and political institutions, civil society and the media. Costa Rica presents an improvement in its indicators, rising to second place above Chile.

At the bottom of the list are Guatemala, Bolivia and Venezuela, countries that, despite changes and some progress, continue to be the last in the region in terms of anti-corruption.

Is corruption an issue with a long-term solution or is it already part of the functioning of states and societies in Latin America? What are the good practices that have worked for Uruguay, Costa Rica and Chile to lead the ranking of the fight against corruption? We analyze it together with our guests:

– Brian Winter, Vice President of the Council of the Americas.

– Silvana Amaya, Senior Analyst at Control Risk.

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