
The British Police open an investigation against the Labor 'number two' for violating electoral law

The British Police open an investigation against the Labor 'number two' for violating electoral law

April 12 () –

The British Police opened an investigation this Thursday against the deputy leader of the United Kingdom Labor Party, Angela Rayner, for violating electoral law by allegedly lying about what her first home was to avoid paying taxes on a sale in 2015.

Specifically, the Labor 'number two' bought her council house in Stockport, in the county of Greater Manchester, in January 2007. She paid a total of 79,000 pounds sterling (92,400 euros) and it was registered on the electoral roll of the city ​​from 2007 to 2015, when the sale took place, for 127,000 pounds (148,500 euros).

In total, he obtained a profit of 48,500 pounds (56,700 euros), on which he would have had to pay taxes if it were not his habitual residence. After selling this property, she went to live in Lowndes Lane, not far from Stockport, with her husband, Mark Rayner, who owned a house she owned. Her two children were registered at this address in 2010.

The investigation has been read in an electoral key in the United Kingdom, since it occurs a few months before the holding of the legislative elections, scheduled for the month of May and in which the Labor Party has an advantage, according to the latest surveys.

The Labor leader, Keir Starmer, has stated that the objective is to delegitimize his 'number two' and that this investigation is encouraged by the Conservative Party. “Angela Rayner has been asked countless questions about it. She has answered them all,” he said, according to the British network Sky News.

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