
Estonia warns that Russian intelligence services are increasingly “more violent and brutal”

Estonia warns that Russian intelligence services are increasingly "more violent and brutal"

April 12 () –

The Estonian Intelligence Service (ISS) has warned this Friday of an increase in Russian espionage within its borders, going so far as to describe its activities as increasingly “more violent and brutal.”

The general director of the ISS, Margo Palloson, explained that the “false impression” may arise that Russia is dedicating all its efforts to Ukraine, but “that is not the case at all,” he stressed.

“Russia's influence activities have become more physical, more brutal, we call it state vandalism” as they look for new ways to infiltrate because their traditional methods have been affected by sanctions, Palloson has theorized in a conference call. press, reports the Estonian network ERR.

Palloson said that over the past year, Russia has been carrying out “hybrid operations” against Estonia and other European countries, such as the constant use of hate propaganda, cyber attacks, vandalism, false bomb threats, attempted attacks and to influence the elections.

There are at least thirteen detainees, suspected of participating in this type of campaigns, often recruited, explained the general director of the ISS, through social networks. “Young people with criminal records, in economic difficulties, who do not care about ideologies, but about money,” he said.

It is not only Moscow that represents the greatest threat to Estonian Intelligence. Also Beijing, Palloson pointed out. “The efforts of Chinese services are broader and more intense” and in addition, they use Chinese companies and communities spread around the world “to advance their objectives.”

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