
The Beninese Justice rejects a request from the opposition to challenge the legislative elections

The Beninese Justice rejects a request from the opposition to challenge the legislative elections

22 Jan. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Constitutional Court of Benin has rejected this past Saturday the request presented by the opposition party of the Democrats to obtain the act on the development of the legislative elections of last January 8 with a view to its possible challenge, given the doubts of the formation about the legality of them despite the good results achieved after three years of absence from the polls.

Former President Thomas Boni Yayi’s party was the third party with the most votes, obtaining 24 percent of the ballots, translated into 28 of the 109 seats that make up the Beninese Parliament. However, the opponents suspect that their result does not correspond to reality, as explained from the party to the Beninweb portal.

That is why the formation requested last Thursday the high court to expressly order the delivery of copies of the minutes of the development of the elections; Petition rejected by the court, understanding that the electoral development act is not essential to prepare any appeal that the opponents may want to present.

In the same way, the Constitutional Court does not see evidence in the accusations of the Democrats about a possible impediment to access to these documents.

One of the party’s vice-presidents, Alassane Tigri, has lamented before Radio France Internationale (RFI) the Constitutional decision as “a lost opportunity to demonstrate the transparency” of an election marked by the great victory of the Progressive Union for Renewal (UPR). ) of the president, Patrice Talon.

The UPR thus emerges propelled in elections understood as a test of popularity three years after the presidential elections; elections in which Talon will be forced to hand over power having fulfilled the maximum number of constitutional mandates.

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