Even with the immense sea of video games that have been launched on the market in recent years, The number of canceled projects or those that remained a simple concept or prototype is greater and sometimes the ideas that were considered were attractive. Such is the case with the recent discovery of a WWE game that never came to fruition for the Nintendo 3DS.
This WWE game could not become a reality for the Nintendo 3DS
A report of Time Extension shared the video game enthusiast’s recent find “Nichslvl” who showed the prototype of what was a WWE video game designed for the 3DS, Nintendo’s popular portable console. This material was found in a development cartridge to which he had access. In case you don’t know, more than a decade ago the THQ company had the rights to the North American wrestling company and released several games. During the era of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 he thought of a more casual proposal, a brawler whose title was precisely WWE Brawl.
However, the project was canceled and never saw the light of day on Sony and Microsoft consoles, but what few knew was that in the shadows a game was also being developed that was based on this proposal, but adapted it to the conditions of the Nintendo 3DS. .
This title, which remained in the prototype phase, showed WWE wrestlers with a cartoonish design in 3D settings with game mechanics similar to Super Smash Bros.but even more so with Capcom’s cult game Power Stone which debuted on Dreamcast and delighted the players who had the opportunity to play it.

After sharing content that accounts for the existence of that WWE game for 3DS, “Nichslvl” points out that it could be considered half lost after 13 years since it coincides with the time when THQ collapsed and many of its projects were canceled. Likewise, the enthusiast regretted that this development, which denotes a notable advance, did not continue because it had the potential to stand out on the Nintendo console, especially because it coincided with the moment of greatest rise of the wrestling company.
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