The massively multiplayer online Tower Fantasy, developed by Hotta Studios, has a side quest called Omnium Guard. After finishing off a group of raiders, the...
Tag - tower of fantasy
The new patch Tower of Fantasy added a new event called “Café de Aida”. The community will act as a temporary manager in a cafe to serve customers and their...
Tower of Fantasy, the massively multiplayer online game developed by Hotta Studios, can overwhelm the most novice players with so many resources in the...
There is something more to do than kill everything that moves in Tower of Fantasy. The community can explore the map and collect various items to cook for...
The artificial island of Tower of Fantasy It is a real challenge for the community. The massively multiplayer online game developed by Hotta Studios has added...
The artificial island of Tower of Fantasy It has many activities for the players. The place has several enemies that you won’t see anywhere else, one of...
If you wish to divert your path for a moment in Tower of Fantasy, you can access a whole branch of side quests that offer many hours of gameplay. One of them...
The side missions of Tower of Fantasy they are a good option to continue your character development after the main story. Completing them is a great way to...
In Tower of Fantasy, the massively multiplayer online game developed by Hotta Studios, the community can have a home to call their own. We tell you how you can...
The Cybernetic Arm is an SR relic in Tower of Fantasy, the massively multiplayer online game developed by Hotta Studios. If you are interested in unlocking and...