Dragon Ball Super surprises fans again with the start of a new saga. After the Tournament of Power, the manga began the story arc of Moro, the consumer of...
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Gangs of young people inspired by a Japanese manga clash in Russian cities. The phenomenon also affects Ukraine. War propaganda creates a deviant psychology in...
One of the most popular anime series of 2022 was undoubtedly Chainsaw Man, which ended its first season a few weeks ago, leaving all its fans wanting more. It...
Yes ok dragonball It started as an adventure and comedy manga, little by little it focused on action. It is no secret to anyone that the serious and tense...
We have good news for all fans of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?since those responsible have just confirmed that the saga will receive a...
As we told you a few days ago, those responsible for Naruto launched a survey that was intended to discover the most popular character in the series to be the...
Naruto is celebrating, as it is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the anime. On the occasion of these festivities, those in charge of the franchise announced...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news We have very good news for all the fans of ELDEN...
The videogame Fortnite has introduced a fun event with Goku and Vegeta. Together with Toei Animation they worked on the arrival of the Saiyans of Dragon Ball...
The players of Fortnite They are already more eager to advance in the Dragon Ball event after several months of suspicions, leaks and rumors. Dragon Ball Super...