A step to the side? A step back? One step forward. There is Pedro Sánchez for a while. The President of the Government closed the 41st Federal Congress of the...
Tag - global
Global and offer to make investments indirectly in Government debt securities (TES). Global X ETFs seek to democratize Colombians’ access to new...
The shares of Latam Airlines Group, the main airline group in Latin America, were listed by the Colombian Stock Exchange (bvc) in the Colombian Global Market...
Colombian investors have begun trading shares of technology giant Nvidia (NVDA) on the Colombian Global Market (MGC) of the Colombian Stock Exchange (bvc)...
Starting today, July 11, investors will be able to trade the title of the technology giant Nvidia (NVDA) on the Colombian Global Market (MGC) of the Colombian...
In the year 1875, Samuel Benner, a humble farmer from Ohio, in the United Statesdiscovered a series of patterns that asset prices have followed over the...
He Colombian health system is going through an atypical year, therefore, despite the fact that the health reform government Petro recently sank in the Congress...
It is likely that the global companies with record net debt of $7.8 trillion use cash to pay some of it off as the economy slows and borrowing costs remain...
A group of climate activists has returned to throw paint a year later on the facade of the Congress of Deputies to protest against the “inaction”...
global economic leaders meet this week at Davos under the umbrella of a cluster of crises, such as the war in Ukraine, or the remnants of the covid-19...