In the general audience, he called for solidarity with those who suffer the devastating calamity. In his address to the faithful, the pontiff reviewed the...
Tag - general audience
Before the general audience, the meeting with the All-Ukrainian Council of Religious Organizations on the day that concludes the Octave of Prayer for Christian...
In the general audience, Francis invited to pray for the priest who was burned alive in Nigeria and for the victims of the missile attack in Ukraine. When the...
Francis began a reflection on the mission as “oxygen of the Christian life” that he will develop in the next general audiences. “We do not have to...
At the beginning of the general audience, Francis once again recalled the pope emeritus whose remains continue to receive the homage of the faithful in San...
At the end of the general audience, the Pontiff asked for prayers for the pope emeritus so that “the Lord consoles him and sustains him in this testimony...
At the general audience, Francis made a new appeal to pray for peace “on this feast of God who becomes a child.” In catechesis, the invitation to...
In the general audience, the pontiff made a new call to prayer, after the missile attack that caused deaths and damage to many civilian infrastructure. In his...
In the general audience, Francis reviewed the visit of the last few days, answering the question: why visit a country with a large Muslim majority? “Dialogue...
In the general audience in Saint Peter’s Square, Francis continued the catechesis on discernment. With a view to World Mission Day, he encouraged us to...