Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news November is only a few hours away from beginning. This is...
Tag - Electronic Arts
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news Last week Electronic Arts let us take a look at the...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news Online platforms must be constantly updated in order not...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news Electronic Arts didn’t hold its traditional summer...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news After a long and tortuous wait, the franchise dead space...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram / Google news This week there was fantastic news for fans of The Simsas...
One of the most popular simulators in the video game industry has made the decision to make the leap to free-to-play: The Sims 4. Electronic Arts and Maxis...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram One of the games that Electronic Arts has in development and that fans...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram Respawn Entertainment recently reported that it will launch a cosmetic...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram Clearly, Electronic Arts’ infamous anti-single-player message...