In the Colombian financial landscape, reminiscent of the complex three-body problem in astrophysics and masterfully captured in the popular Netflix series...
Tag - Colombian
Carolina Vélez, corporate and communications manager at Finsocial and cofounder of the Women in Fintech (MeF) community, received the Fintech Woman of the Year...
The university of Navarra recently announced its Moving Cities Indexwhich lists the smartest cities in the world. In aggregate, based on the fact that 183...
The university of Navarra recently announced his Moving Cities Indexwhich lists the smartest cities in the world. In aggregate, based on the fact that 183...
Over the years, Miami has become a highly attractive market for Colombian startups, due to its dynamism and its investment ecosystem. In fact, according to a...
According to estimates from the United States Census Bureau, there are approximately 62.6 million Latino people who generate around US$2.8 billion a year...
ANDhe balance of the Colombian markets, with the exception of shares, was outstanding in comparison with the main Latin American countries. In accordance with...
The Numbeo platform updated its cost of living index for 2023which is based on New York (United States) to measure more than 500 cities in the world in...
While in the first semester the main stock indices in the region registered increases such as 7.6% in the case of the São Paulo Stock Exchange, 10% in...
Colombians are focused on ensuring health and well-being as well as optimizing their budget to preserve their lifestyle. That is one of the conclusions of the...