Science and Tech

STEM education and careers, keys to closing the gender gap

STEM education and careers, keys to closing the gender gap

“Grace”, who has been recognized for promoting scientific thinking for more than 20 years as a path to sustainable development and social welfare, recognizes the great challenge that it means to bring down a problem entrenched for decades; however, she is optimistic, because she knows that education is a tool for empowerment and life transformation.

After participating in the Initiative event in favor of the inclusion of Mexican adolescents and young women in STEM, which took place at the Ministry of Economy, Rojas Montemayor highlights the importance of involving all possible actors in this movement.

“Education is not going to be given away with the SEP or with the union. It is a topic for everyone, for NGOs, civil society, universities. We have to promote it and so together we can make a high-impact change.

gap to bridge

During her participation in the event, Graciela Rojas put on the table data that show the problem and lag of gender inequality in the social and labor spheres.

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), it takes 132 years to achieve gender parity, while the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) reports that the 10 lowest-paid activities in Mexico are occupied by 64% of women.

That is why it is important to see STEM careers as an instrument and a strategy for empowerment and protection.

“We cannot leave 50% of the planet’s population out of this discussion. It is required to involve women and men so that we face the future”.

Initiative as public policy

At the opening of the event, the head of the Ministry of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier Carrillo, highlighted the relevance of turning the STEM Movement initiative into a public policy that promotes the country’s development, but particularly closes gender gaps.

“I am convinced that the only way to end the gender gap and violence against women is through education and what better way than through science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

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