
SRI LANKA Colombo, investigation of former President Sirisena for the Easter massacre

The court sent him a summons to appear on October 14. The measure is related to the complaint filed by Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando and Jesudasa Ganesan, who suffered a leg amputation due to the attack. The former head of state is accused of negligence for having ignored the warning reports.

Colombo () – The court has entered former President Maithripala Sirisena in the register of “investigated” because it considers that he could be involved in the 2019 Easter massacre, one of the darkest and most painful pages for Christians in Sri Lanka. The Colombo Fort Magistrate, accepted a complaint filed by individuals and yesterday notified a summons to the former head of state, whose interrogation is scheduled for next October 14.

The complaint was filed by Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando and Jesudasa Ganesan, who suffered serious injuries and even the amputation of a leg three years ago, following the April 21 attack on the church of San Antonio de Kochchikade, in Colombo. The magistrate considers that the complaint has a legal basis, and implies the registration of the former president in the registry of those investigated.

According to the indictment, Maithripala Sirisena was guilty of “negligence” in the performance of his duties when he was President and Defense Minister of Sri Lanka. For that reason it was decided to prosecute him under article 298 of the Criminal Code.

Supposedly in the days before the attack he received intelligence information warning of a possible attack during the Easter celebrations. However, Sirisena did not take any precautions or have the security measures reinforced, being guilty of “negligence” in the performance of his duties.

Father Jude Chryshantha of the Colombo archdiocese communications center said that despite repeated warnings no countermeasures were taken. “The Security Council – remembers the priest – had received repeated warnings regarding threats against all those who, according to the Islamic concept of jihad, should be attacked and killed because they did not profess the Muslim religion. Other reports reported calls for terrorist attacks. Nevertheless, [las autoridades institucionales] They neglected their responsibilities, and although they knew that these attacks would take place, they did not take any measures to frustrate them.”

Nothing was done to protect the churches, unlike the Indian High Commission around which a security cordon was established. And when the possibility of an attack was already certain, Maithripala Sirisena “considered it convenient to travel to Singapore on personal matters”. “We consider him guilty and we denounce him – accuses Fr. Chryshantha-, because he in fact allowed the attack “.” The former president – he concludes – has received a notice and a summons to appear in court on October 14. We hope that justice will be done ”.

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