
SRI LANKA Cardinal Ranjith calls again for Rajapaksa’s resignation

According to the Archbishop of Colombo, the President’s family “considers that his political power is more important than the welfare of the people.” Even the Buddhist Maha Sangha calls in a letter for immediate work to form an all-party government to lead the country out of crisis.

Colombo (Asia News) – “This family considers its political power to be more important than the welfare of the people.” With these words, the Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, again called for the resignation of the President of Sri Lanka, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and all members of his family who hold positions of power. The cardinal asks that they resign so that the country can face the serious crisis it is going through.

In a press conference held at his residence, the archbishop said that the credibility of the Rajapaksa family had fallen to such a level that all attempts to introduce financial, political or constitutional changes had been rejected by public opinion. “On behalf of the suffering people,” he said, “what I strongly urge the Sri Lankan president and government is to take responsibility for this sad situation and step down as they have no moral right to remain in office under these circumstances.” “. The cardinal requested the formation of an interim government to deal with the most immediate problems, with the help of competent technicians, so that the country can go to elections as soon as possible. He also called on opposition leaders to “work together and with transparency, giving up their petty petty political and ideological barriers.”

Bishop Asiri Pereira, former president of the Sri Lanka Methodist Church, also issued a similar invitation regarding Rajapaksa, saying the president’s departure “will be the first step in the recovery of the nation.” “The people -he added- do not ask for a new government or a new ruler, but gas for cooking, fuel for our vehicles, an uninterrupted electricity supply, a sustainable cost of living. I appeal to all politicians: do not fall into a Power fight”.

Also yesterday, the Maha Sangha, a leading body of Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka, sent a letter to the president urging him to work immediately on creating a cross-party government.

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