
Speedrunner achieves a new record in Super Mario 64

Mario gets faster every time

We get some interesting news related to the classic Super Mario 64since it has just been reported that a speedrunner managed to sign a new record in the Nintendo 64 game, where he managed to finish it in 46:56 minutes in the 70-star category.

Mario gets faster every time

The speedrunner community continues to amaze the industry with their great controller skills, so one of their favorite titles to showcase them is Super Mario 64.

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It is for this reason that a new record has just been shared that has surprised the community, where a user got the 70 stars necessary to finish the game in quite an enviable time.

Here you can see it:

Moment in which the user cannot resist his emotion
Moment in which the user cannot resist his emotion

As you could see, the record was achieved by the speedrunner Benji64, who shared a video on Reddit to confirm that he finished the game in just 46:56 minutes, becoming the fastest to do it so far and worldwide.

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It is worth mentioning that Super Mario 64 It has numerous categories in terms of records, where some can be mentioned, such as finishing the game as soon as possible and collecting all the stars possible in the shortest time, among others.

What do you think of this in-game record? Tell us in the comments.

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