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In the 1990s, Sony entered the video game console market with the PlayStation and it has become one of the company’s most profitable businesses. Naturally, part of the success has been due to the design and engineering of its systems, and unfortunately today one of the company’s key players has just announced his departure after more than 35 years working for it.
As we always tell you, the industry is in constant movement. We always tell you about the migration of creative talent to other studios within the industry, but today we will talk about a veteran and key player in the history of PlayStation without whom Sony will be left very soon.
We are talking about Masayasu Ito, executive vice president of Sony Interactive Entertainment and a veteran of the company’s engineering and operations division.
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Sony announced today, September 6, 2022, that veteran Masayasu Ito will not only be leaving his position as Vice President and Representative Director of Sony Interactive Entertainment, but will also be leaving the parent company, Sony, on October 1 after decades of work in the company.
The reasons for his departure are not negative at all; On the contrary, according to information from Bloomberg, which has sources with knowledge of the subject, the dismissal is simply due to reasons of age (in Japan it is common to retire at 60 years of age); Put another way, Ito will soon be enjoying his retirement after working 36 years at Sony, practically his entire working life.
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Who is Masayasu Ito and what did he do at Sony?
The name may not be very familiar to you, as Ito did not usually appear publicly or in presentations, but he is one of the key people in PlayStation. Ito is a 60-year-old veteran engineer who joined Sony in 1986 after graduating from college with a degree in Mechanical and Thermal Engineering. In his first position in the Japanese company he was focused on the design of car audio products and in the 2000s he officially arrived at Sony Computer Entertainment (a division dedicated to video games today known as Sony Interactive Entertainment, SIE).
Since then he has been one of the main people in charge of the design and engineering of PlayStation hardware, including the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation VR. He is, therefore, one of the key people for the brand’s consoles to exist.
Ito will leave Sony, but the current director and vice president of the company, Lin Tao, will take over immediately. On the other hand, this same day Kiichiro Urata, head of the Asia-Japan development division of Sony Interactive Entertainment will be appointed director of the company.
In case you missed it: Sony developer ASOBI Studio ensures that its offices are crunch-free.
How do you receive this news? Did you know the work of this Sony veteran? Tell us in the comments.
You can find more news related to Sony if you click on its name.
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