economy and politics

Singer and actress Jane Birkin dies at 76

By Euronews in Spanish with EFE

The British singer and actress Jane Birkin has died at the age of 76 after developing practically her entire artistic career in France, although she had been away from the scene for some time due to health problems.

The British singer and actress Jane Birkin has died at the age of 76 after developing practically her entire artistic career in France, although she had been away from the scene for some time due to health problems.

The BFMTV channel revealed the death at her home of the artist, who had been away from the stage for some time, although she had returned to work promptly after suffering a stroke in 2021.

The London singer, whose name is inextricably linked to that of Serge Gainsbourg, had recently expressed health problems that had forced her to cancel concerts.

Born in London in 1946, she moved to France in the late 1960s. She nationalized French, she has always kept her British accent and her instantly recognizable voice. Following her first marriage to composer John Barry, she had a daughter, Kate, who died in 2013. She later met Serge Gainsbourg. Together they formed an iconic pairing, propelling her to the top of the charts in 1969 with the unforgettable duet “Je t’aime… moi non plus.”

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