economy and politics

Return of products in Colombia: what are the conditions?


In a consuming country like Colombia ,People who normally buy products such as clothing, footwear, household items, among others, usually opt for the return or change them, either due to damage in the short time of use, because they are not satisfied with their choice or because it simply was not the size they were looking for in case of the clothing or footwear.

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Although the colombian law does not oblige merchants to make these types of changes to their customers, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, Through its website, it guides consumers on how to carry out a good process of changing the product so as not to have any altercation with the vendor.

According to the entity, this is what you should take into account when making the retract his products.

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Tips for a good return



1. You must return the product to the vendor by the same means and in the same conditions in which you received it.

2. It is important that you know that transportation costs and the others that the return of the good entails will be covered by the consumer, that is, by you.

3. The maximum term to exercise the right of withdrawal will be five business dayscounted from the delivery of the good

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On the other hand, when the garment or product purchased does not work correctly or is damaged shortly after being purchased, according to the portal manage, the merchant must assume the guarantee of the product. However, this does not imply return from money to customer.

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According to numeral 2 of article 11 of law 1480 of 2011in the event of a repeat failure and taking into account the nature of the good and the characteristics of the defect, at the choice of the consumera new repair will be made, the total or partial refund of the price paid or the partial or total exchange of the good for another of the same kind, similar characteristics or technical specifications, which in no case may be less than those of the product that gave rise to the guarantee.

Keep in mind that the distributor will have a time of up to 30 calendar days to make a full refund moneywithout making discounts or withholdings of any kind.

In addition, if the product was not fixed or exchanged for one that does work and the money is not returned to you, You can file a complaint or denunciation with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce.


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