Science and Tech

Pup Stack, the anchor for dogs (video)

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If your dog tends to run away, bite things or bark at people, this solution seems very practical, and beneficial for the animal.

For restless dogs that cause problems Pup Stack it’s a portable anchor that you can use anywhere, even at home. It’s a fairly simple idea, but very practical.

Pup Stack are basically some dumbbells with a handle that has a rotating part where the dog’s leash comes out. Its function is to keep the dog tied in one placebut without having to lock it up.

You can accumulate more or less weights, depending on the weight of the dog. The strap It is extensible up to seven meters, and is automatically collected, depending on the pressure. This allows the animal move freely without getting tangled in the leash.

The rotating part offers a turning angle of 360 degreesso the dog can move freely in any direction, limited only by the 7 meter radius of the leash. You can see how it works in the opening video of the news.

Pup Stack, a dog anchor

The idea is that the owner of the dog can carry the Pup Stack anywhere. When you want to keep your pet on a leash, simply place this dog anchor on the ground, and adjust the length of the strap you want.

It seems very useful if you have an animal that bothers during the meal, barks at other people, bites things, or runs away. You can take it to the field, to the beach, or wherever you want, and you can keep it under control without any problem.

5 Dog Breeds You Shouldn’t Keep Due to Their Health Problems, According to a Veterinarian

Pup Stack also has a compartment to transport everything your dog needs: a toy, treats, food, or bags to collect feces. There’s even a removable compartment that acts as a drinker or feeder.

And it doesn’t just work outdoors. It can be used perfectly at home, instead of having the animal locked in a room, or behind a fence.

Pup Stackthe dog anchorseek financing on kickstarter, and he has already raised three times more than he needs. If you are interested, it is priced at 96 euros.

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