
MSF confirms almost 60 deaths in five days due to fighting in El Fasher

MSF confirms almost 60 deaths in five days due to fighting in El Fasher

May 15. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The teams of the NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the Sudanese city of El Fasher, in North Darfur, have confirmed almost 60 deaths in five days of fighting between the Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in the historic capital of the region of Darfur, one of the new great epicenters of the Sudan war.

The deputy MSF coordinator at the South El Fasher hospital, Dr. Prince Djuma Safari, has been able to confirm 454 victims since last May 10, Friday, in the midst of the RSF offensive on a city that they have been under siege for months. Of the victims, 56 have died and the rest are receiving medical attention for injuries of varying severity.

The doctor has warned that right now “there are snipers in the streets”, “intense bombings” are taking place and “nowhere in the city is safe.”

As other organizations working in Sudan have warned, it is certain that “the number of wounded and dead is probably much higher,” according to the doctor, “as the fighting continues to be so intense that many people cannot reach the hospital.”

The city has been under siege by paramilitaries for weeks, while the Sudanese Army and a coalition of guerrillas led by a faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement led by the governor of Darfur, Minni Minawi, are entrenched in several neighborhoods.

There are now one and a half million people who live blocked both in the city and in its three main displaced persons camps: Abuja, Abu Shuk and Zamzam, on the outskirts of the city, which bring together more than 500,000 people and are on the front line of fire. The city is also one of the main humanitarian hubs of the UN in the African country.

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