
MSF commemorates the aid workers killed a year ago in Tigray due to the lack of answers

MSF commemorates the aid workers killed a year ago in Tigray due to the lack of answers

June 24. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has commemorated this Friday a year since the murders of three of its colleagues, including a Spanish humanitarian worker, in the conflictive Ethiopian region of Tigray, and expressed its sadness and indignation at the lack of answers about this incident, for which no group has taken responsibility.

MSF “greatly misses” the Spanish aid worker and her two colleagues, Tedros Gabremariam Gebremichael and Yohannes Halefom Reda, “killed while providing vital support to a population devastated by the war” between the Ethiopian Army and the Popular Front for Liberation of Tigray (FPLF) which began in November 2019.

“We are certain that the three humanitarian workers were intentionally killed, and yet no one has yet claimed responsibility for this heinous attack against them. This fact accentuates our outrage, sadness and firm decision to continue searching for the truth,” MSF regrets. .

All of the organization’s attempts have been unsuccessful despite its talks with both the Ethiopian government and rebel forces. To this day, MSF still has no idea when the Ethiopian government will publish the results of the investigation they say they are carrying out into what happened.

“We are particularly distressed that the families, our staff and our partners and collaborators do not have clear answers to key questions about the killings, such as who was responsible and what was their motivation,” MSF said.

The humanitarian organization takes the opportunity to lament the impossibility of working in Tigray due to the lack of necessary security guarantees despite the extreme gravity of the situation in this northern region of Ethiopia.

“These guarantees will not be complete until we know what happened to our colleagues, and there is an acknowledgment of responsibility,” they lament.

“The refusal of the authorities to offer a respectful and honest account of what happened that day adds unnecessary pain to the immense tear of the relatives, friends and colleagues” of the deceased, according to the organization. “We will never forget them, nor their dedication to improving people’s lives. The passage of time will not stop us. We will continue to be relentless in our search for the truth about what happened to them,” concludes MSF.

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