
Missile hits a busy shopping mall in central Ukraine

Missile hits a busy shopping mall in central Ukraine

At least 13 people were killed and more than 50 wounded on Monday in a Russian missile attack that set a shopping mall ablaze in Kremenchuk, central Ukraine. Meanwhile, the governor of the Lugansk region reported at least 8 deaths in the city of Lysychansk.

On the day, various points of the Ukrainian territory have registered attacks by the invading troops. Among these, a missile hit a shopping center in Kremenchuk, in central Ukraine, which killed a dozen people.

Meanwhile, a bombardment in the city of Kharkiv left another 4 people dead, while the city of Lysychansk, to the east, faces “catastrophic damage”, according to the governor of Lugansk.

Here is the most relevant news about the conflict in Ukraine this Monday, June 27:

  • 17:09 (BOG) Kyiv requests urgent Security Council meeting

At kyiv’s request, the United Nations Security Council called an emergency meeting on Tuesday June 28 to discuss Russia’s latest acts against Ukraine.

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, said that there is still no official report on the victims of the recent event in Kremenchuk, but regardless of the number, it is an issue that must be addressed promptly.

Dujarric said there are reports of a new series of airstrikes and bombings over the weekend. Furthermore, he condemned today’s attack saying that “any kind of civil infrastructure, which obviously includes shopping malls and civilians, should never be targeted.”

  • 16:55 (BOG) The G7 denounces the attack on the shopping center as a “war crime”

The Group of Seven condemned attacks by Russian troops on a shopping center in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk.

He assured that it is a war crime and a “deplorable” act. The G7 leaders are currently meeting at a summit that takes place annually in southern Germany.

“Indiscriminate attacks against innocent civilians contribute to a war crime (…) Russian President Putin and those responsible will be held accountable,” said a spokesman for the German government – which holds the presidency of the summit – in a published statement. On twitter.

As reported by the governor of Lugansk, Serguiï Gaïdaï, at least eight civilians were killed and 21 others wounded during a Russian bombardment in the city of Lysychansk, a twin city of Severodonetsk, which was recently taken by Moscow forces.

The Russian Army continues to attack Lysychansk and signals Belarus to participate in the military campaign. Russian troops have gained much of this territory, after gaining control of Severodonetsk last weekend, now looking to advance on Sloviansk, in the neighboring Donetsk region.

“I want to address today the citizens of Belarus, the people, civilians and military. You are being dragged into war (…). The Kremlin has decided everything for you. Their lives are worth nothing to them,” President Zelensky said in a video message.

Lysychansk regional authorities recommended its inhabitants to urgently evacuate the city, attacks by Russian troops are intensifying. The governor said that the situation in the city is “very difficult”, although he has not revealed figures on the people who are still there.

  • 16:24 (BOG) France calls for “fight against impunity in Ukraine”

France also condemned the attack by Russian troops on the shopping center in the city of Kremenchuk. In a press release, the French Foreign Ministry said that Russia must answer for its actions and that it must “fight against impunity in Ukraine.”

The death toll rose to 13 and 50 injuries were confirmed. Fire teams continue rescue, first aid and search for survivors.

  • 15:07 (BOG) The UN, the United States and the G7 express rejection of the attack

The UN spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, assured that the attack was “deplorable”, for his part, the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, described the impact of the missile as “the latest in a series of atrocities”.

From Germany, the G7 countries announced their “unlimited support” for President Volodímir Zelensky in a virtual meeting behind closed doors.

The G7 leaders said they will maintain sanctions against Russia and intensify international pressure against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Imagine if we allowed Putin to get away with violently acquiring large chunks of another country, sovereign and independent territory,” said UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

  • 14:30 (BOG) Zelensky repulsed the attack on Kremenchuk

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has condemned the Russian attack on a shopping center in the city of Kremenchuk.

He said the site had no “strategic value” and that “Russia continues to vent its helplessness on ordinary civilians. You cannot expect decency and humanity from him,” said the president.

Zelensky described the attack as unjust because it was directed at the civilian population, which was defenseless at the time of the events. Similarly, he accused Russia of not allowing civilians “to have a normal life.”

  • 14:00 (BOG) A missile hits a shopping center in Kremenchuk

A new attack on civilians in Ukraine. The impact of a Russian missile on a shopping center in the city of Kremenchuk, in central Ukraine, left at least 13 dead and 50 injured, according to local authorities.

The city’s mayor, Vitaliy Maletskiy, said in a Facebook post that the attack happened in a crowded area and that more than 1,000 people were inside the mall when the missile hit the structure.

With Reuters, EFE and AFP

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