economy and politics

Mee Goreng: Try these fried noodles from Southeast Asia

Mee Goreng

Mee Goreng is a popular dish in Southeast Asian cuisine, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Its name translates to “fried noodles” in Malay and Indonesian and is known to be a very tasty and versatile dish.

At the table, it is served on a large plate or bowl. It is often garnished with chopped scallions, slices of fresh chili and sometimes a sprinkle of cilantro. It may be accompanied with slices of lime or lemon to add a touch of acidity.

It is typically eaten with chopsticks, although some may use a spoon and fork depending on their preference.

The dish combines salty, spicy and slightly sweet flavors, with a texture that varies between soft noodles and fried ingredients.

In Malaysia and Singapore, this version is usually spicier and may include additional ingredients such as calamari and fried egg (Mee Goreng Mamak). On the other hand, in Indonesia, it is more sweet and sour and often includes more ingredients such as caramelized onions and tamarind sauce (Mee Goreng Jawa).

Mee Goreng

How to make Mee Goreng at home


For the Mee Goreng:

  • 200 g egg noodles (you can use rice noodles if you prefer)
  • 200 g chicken breastcut into strips (you can substitute pork, shrimp or tofu for a vegetarian version)
  • 100 g of tofu either tempehcut into cubes (optional)
  • 2 cloves of garlicfinely chopped
  • 1 small onionfinely chopped
  • 1 carrotpeeled and julienned
  • 1 cup of bean sprouts
  • 2 cabbage leaves either lettucefinely sliced
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons dark soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons light soy sauce
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sambal (chili paste, adjust according to your spiciness tolerance)
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • Vegetable oil to cook

To Serve (Optional):

  • Slices of fresh chili
  • Chive chopped
  • Lemon or lime in wedges
  • Cilantro fresh, chopped

Prepare the Noodles:

  1. Cook the Noodles: Cook the egg noodles according to package directions, then drain and set aside.

Cooking Mee Goreng:

  1. Heat the Wok: Heat some oil in a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Sauté Garlic and Onion: Add the chopped garlic and onion to the wok and stir-fry until golden and fragrant.
  3. Cooking the Meat: Add the chicken strips (or alternative meat) and cook until cooked through.
  4. Add Vegetables: Add the carrot and tofu or tempeh (if using) and cook for a few minutes until the vegetables are tender.
  5. Add the Noodles: Add the cooked noodles to the wok and mix well with the ingredients.
  6. Season: Pour in the dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sambal and brown sugar. Mix well to coat the noodles with the flavours.
  7. Add the Eggs: Push the noodles to one side of the wok and crack the eggs into the free space. Stir to scramble them and then mix them into the noodles.
  8. Add Bean Sprouts and Cabbage: Add the bean sprouts and cabbage (or lettuce) and cook for a couple of minutes until everything is well mixed and hot.


  1. Serve: Divide the Mee Goreng into plates or bowls.
  2. Add GarnishesGarnish with fresh chili slices, chopped chives and cilantro. Serve with lemon or lime wedges on the side for a fresh touch.

Enjoy your homemade Mee Goreng! This dish is perfect for a quick and tasty meal, and you can adjust the ingredients and spiciness level to suit your preference.

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